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What is VAT and why is it needed?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is an indirect tax that is added. The cost of products at each stage of their creation and sale. In fact, such a tax is paid not by the seller. But by the buyer of the product, because it is already includd in the final price of the product or service. In turn, the business simply “collects” it from consumers and later transfers it to the budget in equal shares.

Each of us has noticd a separate line for VAT on a store receipt. This is an example of a tax paid by the buyer, not the manufacturer.

Let’s explain with a clear example. The VAT rate is 20%.

A flour producer has a field and a mill. He makes flour facebook database from scratch. And sells it for 50 rubles per 100 grams and adds VAT of 20% (10 rubles) to the amount.

The buyer, representd by a bakery, pays, for example, 60 rubles to the flour manufacturer: 50 rubles directly for the flour and an additional 10 rubles of VAT. The flour manufacturer transfers VAT to. The budget according to the establishd rule – 10 rubles.

Next, the bakery uses 100 grams of flour

To bake one loaf of bread. It sells it to the store for 80 rubles, charging VAT at 20% (16 rubles). The store pays the bakery 96 rubles: 80 rubles for the bread + 16 rubles VAT. In this case, the bakery transfers to the budget only the last 6 rubles – the difference between its VAT (16 rubles) and the VAT already paid on the flour (10 rubles).

The store sells bread to the google ads b2b: how to overcome platform limitations customer for 120 rubles, including VAT of 20% (20 rubles). The customer pays 120 rubles, and the store pays VAT of only 4 rubles – the difference between its VAT (20 rubles) and that paid to the bakery (16 rubles).

If we consider an act of gratuitous donation, for example, of goods, then the Russian company will have to pay VAT on it in any case. However, from its own funds.

What is VAT for?

VAT plays an important role both for the state cyprus business directory economy and for business. The tax is one of the main sources of budget replenishment. And it also helps to control the economic activity of business basd on the results of the reporting period – most often a quarter.

In turn, companies that operate officially and comply. With tax requirements are given the opportunity to legally reduce their tax liabilities through VAT deductions on the specified purchased goods and services.

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