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The Ultimate Guide to Using WordPress Permalinks

A permalink is a link used to access a specific piece of content on your site.


Permalinks are also used for archive pages, static pages , and any content on your site that needs its own URL.

In this post, we’ll show you how permalinks work, how to optimize them for your site, and how to set them up through your settings screen and by writing some code.

WordPress permalinks are defined in the official WordPress codex as

Every page on your site (including posts, pages, archive pages, and other pages like 404) will have its own permalink.


If you have a “featured” category on your blog, it could be at one of several URLs:

Individual posts also have their own permalink. In your theme’s template files , the_permalink() template tag will be used to get the URL of a post and create a clickable link.

WordPress uses this to get the unique permalink for the individual post and sends it inside an <a> element so it can be used as a link in your WordPress Permalinksblog post listings.

The beauty of having this template tag is that you just use that piece of code to get the link to any post on your site, and you don’t have to hard code any links to your theme.

In this post, we’ll focus on permalinks in detail, but we’ll also look at slugs . So what’s the difference between them?

The permalink is the full link to a post. So indonesia email list the link I gave earlier to a Kinsta post in the widgets

The slug is the final part of that permalink, and is unique to that post. In this case, it’s wordPress-widgets.

That slug is automatically generated for you based on the title of a post. And if you want to manually create a slug for a post, you can do so. I’ll show you how (and why you might want to do so) later in this post.

How to create WordPress permalinks?

In this URL you will see a short gap between two systems separator (the question mark), and a set of key/value pairs (separated by ampersands) that constitute the query string. The URL does not meet usability and accessibility requirements and should be converted into a more meaningful and SEO-friendly permalink .

How these “ugly” URLs are converted denmark business directory WordPress Permalinks into optimized permalinks depends on your web server. If you are an Apache user , you will be asked to add a set of rewrite directives to the .htaccess file in your root folder. If you are an Nginx user , you would add a try_files directive to your main configuration file.

But don’t worry! Most of the time you won’t be asked to configure the web server line by line because WordPress will do it for you.

As an admin user, you can quickly and easily set custom rewrite rules from the admin panel. Advanced users and developers can get even more done with the WordPress Rewrite API, which provides functions and hooks that take permalink customization to the next level.

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