Promoting online courses through advertising in Yandex is an effective way to attract the target audience. But for advertising to work at its best, it is important to take into account a number of nuances when setting it up. Now we will analyze what you should pay attention to so that advertising online courses in Yandex brings maximum results.
1. Specifics of keyword selection
Target audience analysis
The first thing you should start with is analyzing the target audience of your online courses. Think about what queries people interested in gaining knowledge on your topic might enter in the search. Make the most complete list of these queries – they will become the basis for selecting keywords.
Also at this stage, it is important to segment the audience by level of training, age, region and other parameters. This will help to target advertising in Yandex.Direct more accurately and show ads to those to whom they are most relevant.
Grouping keywords
Once the list of keywords is ready, it is worth new zealand email data grouping them by meaning and dividing them into several areas. For example, a separate group for basic educational queries like “programming courses for beginners”, a separate one for more advanced students: “advanced web development techniques”.
Grouping will help you manage your rates and advertising budget in Yandex.Direct more flexibly, optimizing them for different audience segments. In our practice, we usually identify 5-7 key groups for an online course and work out ads for each of them.
2. Setting up targeting
Geo targeting
While online learning isn’t tied to a specific location, geography can still matter, especially if you offer offline meetings, workshops, or other activities to complement your online program.
In this case, it is useful to target advertising in Yandex.Direct by region, city or even district. Plus, you can exclude advertising in regions where there are few potential students – for example, in small cities or remote areas. This will save the budget and increase the relevance of the audience.
Time targeting
Demand for educational products is seasonal – not going the vc route has many benefits autumn and winter are traditionally the peak, when people want to gain new knowledge. In the summer, interest in learning usually falls. Consider this factor when planning advertising in Yandex.Direct.
Also consider what time of day your audience is most receptive to educational services advertising. For example, if they are busy office workers, it makes sense to increase impressions in the evenings and on weekends. And students and freelancers can be shown ads evenly throughout the day.
3. Creating effective ads
Focus on the benefits of learning
In the text of advertisements for online courses, it is important to emphasize the key benefits of training for the student. What will he get from colombia business directory completing your program? New practical skills, additional income, the opportunity to change profession? Clearly formulate these benefits – they will become the basis of the selling text.
For example, instead of a dry “Web design course” write “Master web design in 3 months and start earning money as a freelancer.” Such an ad is more emotionally charged and aimed at a specific result.