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The most common obstacles to digital transformation 3/3

Modern technologies help companies improve many things – from business processes to developing new products or services, acquiring and caring for customers to managing human resources. Almost every company has been touched by digital transformation in some way. However, many companies still make mistakes. Their efforts to digitize and operate efficiently often go to waste.

In previous sections, we mentioned obstacles such as lack of preparation, lack of a digital team, or even the frequent absence of a digital leader in the company. Finally, we will discuss how to work with different levels of experience, why it is important to get help from an external partner, and how to avoid choosing the wrong partner.


A common phenomenon we encounter in companies is distrust of external help

It is usually related to a cautious approach by company  ebay database management, which tries to save costs in inappropriate ways and expects outputs from the internal team that are beyond its capabilities.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for financially demanding IT system implementation projects to fail and have to be repeated, often several times, costing companies hundreds of thousands or even millions of crowns. Only after these failures do company management realize that it is necessary to invest in comprehensive preparation and analysis. However, not every company can afford to employ high-quality and experienced business analysts who can develop a “blueprint”, independently evaluate all the necessary aspects related to the planned project and who also have experience from similar projects with other customers. In such a case, it is essential to involve a suitable external organization for the success of the project.

Inappropriate choice of partner

Unfortunately, we often encounter suppliers’ alibi-like approach if you need help creating better content for your website  in the sense of “Dear customer, tell us what you want to do, we’ll do it for you”. When the project is unsuccessful, the easiest thing to say is: “But you didn’t say…”.

Just as a company that manufactures, for example, bicycles, is an expert in its field, a supplier of, for example, a marketing automation solution is usually an expert in this area.

Ideally, an experienced external company will first help us understand whether our plan is relevant, meaningful, and will deliver the expected results. They will help us look at the problem in a broader context, suggesting recommended “best practices” or proven solutions that minimize the risk of failure.

Those who are serious and do not just want to “sell”, but mainly help the customer to actually achieve the set goals, may even refuse to deliver a solution if they are not sure of success. In this case, we should think about the quality of project preparation and invest even more in this phase.

Inappropriate choice of partner

When solving projects, it is ideal to have an experienced project team on both sides (i.e. on the supplier and customer sides) to ensure the smooth running of the project. It is natural that there is an imbalance between the level of expertise on one and the other side. The team on the customer side is an expert in the company’s core business, the team on the supplier side is an expert in the issue of the supplied solution. Ideally, the two teams complement each other well.

It often happens, especially when a project is poorly prepared, that something needs to be changed during the project. The more these changes and the more often the project changes direction, the greater the likelihood of failure.

It is very rarely possible to achieve the same level  thailand data of experience on the customer side as on the supplier side. However, it is possible to achieve the same level of experience in the field of project management. The rest is important to cover with good preparation of the project itself. And if we want to achieve even better minimization of the risk of failure, it is a good idea to secure so-called Quality Assurance services from a professional company that will stand on the customer side and thus partially ensure a balance in the level of experience of both teams.

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