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How to Create an SEO Strategy for 2021

 A true statement you don’t hear as often: your SEO strategy for 2021 shouldn’t be focus on keywords.

These days, most businesses understand the basics of SEO and why it’s important.

However, when it comes to developing and executing a solid SEO strategy for your business. Simply creating content for the keywords your customers are searching for is arduous and, well, wrong.

In this post, we’ll explain what an SEO strategy is and. How you can create your own to help you achieve your content marketing goals.

What is an SEO strategy?

 An SEO strategy is the process of organizing. A website’s facebook database content by topic to improve the likelihood of appearing in search results. Essentially, it’s the process you follow to maximize the opportunity to get organic traffic from search engines.

Having an SEO strategy is important because it helps you stay on track when it comes to creating content. Instead of just creating what you think the content marketing pyramid: a handy tool for digital strategy development people are searching for. Your strategy will ensure that you are creating the content that people are searching for.

For content marketing, an SEO strategy is a critical piece of the puzzle because. It is how your content will be seen in the first place. Especially on search engine results pages (SERPs). If your content is scatter and disorganiz, search engine bots will have a harder time indexing your site, identifying your area of ​​authority, and ranking the pages on your site.

Mobile SEO Strategy

Mobile SEO is an important factor to consider when creating your overall strategy. Mobile optimization involves ensuring that your site and site content are available and accessible to visitors on mobile devices, so that they can have the same experience and receive the same value as desktop browsers. Mobile optimization is incribly important, as Google practices mobile-first indexing. This means that instead of crawling a desktop site, the algorithm whatsapp filter will use the mobile version of your site when indexing and ranking pages for SERPs. Additionally, 61% of Google search queries in the US are made on mobile devices. So, all things consider, your SEO strategy would be ineffective without prioritizing mobile optimization.

While it is not a completely separate process, there are distinct considerations for mobile SEO, such as monitoring page spe, responsive site design, local SEO, and creating high-quality content regardless of the device it is view on.

What is SEO? 

 Search engine optimizers (SEOs) are people who optimize websites to help them rank higher in SERPs and get more organic traffic. At their core, an SEO is a highly specializ content strategist who helps a business uncover opportunities to answer questions people have about their respective industries.
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