So far, we have only talked about online competition, but we must also look at offline competition and assess whether our product is something that the customer tends to buy online, offline, or indiscriminately.
before opening an online store
it is important to consider how shipping will affect the cost of your product.
out, when asking for prices from different logistics companies, they will all give you a similar rate, which you will have to take into account when evaluating whether you are competitive.
For example, if you sell products that cost €5 or €6 and courier delivery is going to cost the customer another €5, you may need to change your business.
If you sell office furniture as i mentioned above, you will probably have to offer free shipping to your customers and therefore you will have to include the cost of logistics in your margin.
A common mistake is to think that since some online stores offer free shipping, the price that logistics companies will give us is low.
It will be low or high depending
on what you sell or what you compare it to, but you should always keep this in mind and ask for many quotes from different logistics companies before launching the online store.
5.- knowledge
although it is not usually valued, it is important to have solid knowledge of e-commerce and to train yourself before starting your project portugal phone number library and setting up an online business.
Even if you are not going to be in charge of carrying out the different tasks that are necessary in an online store , it is likely that you will be it will inform us in general responsible for making the final decisions, so it is important that these decisions are the most appropriate ones.
The team usually one person
is not enough to manage an online store and a team is necessary.
Basically, an online store requires staff to create and maintain it, to carry out online marketing actions (seo, sem, email marketing, social dkb directory networks, content, etc.) and also to carry out the administrative tasks inherent to any business.