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Fuck-up prevention activities vol. 1: search

Do you like to have your campaigns under control? Do you like to prevent problems? So do we! That’s why we have fine-tuned checklists and defined activities in uLab, thanks to which there is no scarecrow waiting for us anywhere in the form of astronomical PNO or poor quality settings. Let’s start with search activities.

1. Checking search queries

How often? Monthly
What to do: Check the top 200-500 queries, eliminate irrelevant ones, add relevant ones
How to do it: In the mint database dashboard or interfact

What to do: Look at CPA/PNO at the device, location, audience, search partner level
How to do it: You can have it in your dashboard or you can quickly check some segments through custom columns

2. Expensive conversions

How often? Monthly
What to do: Check reports it is not a bad thing with CPA/PNO significantly higher than the limit, don’t forget to also check reports with spend but no conversions
How to do it: Saved filter in interface or dashboard

What now? What is your TODO? Review what activities you do regularly and consider whether you should update your list.

3. Low CTR

How often? Monthly
What to do: Check reports b2C phone list with a CTR below 1%.
How to do it: Saved filter in interface or dashboard

Find out why the reports have no volume (they may be truly impressions-free, or have a tiny amount of impressions)

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