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One of the main changes

Why does your company need a corporate blog?
The internet and new technologies have revolutionized the world of business communication as we knew it until very recently.

Technological advances have completely changed the way organizations communicate with each other, both internally (employees) and externally (potential and actual customers).

 is the way of attracting and retaining

In other words, companies now focus on panama phone number library generating useful content for their potential customers in order to respond to all the concerns and problems that these users have about a specific topic.

To achieve these information

Many people confuse the role played by creating an online store the corporate blog with that of the corporate website , so we will begin by analyzing the differences between the two:

differences between corporate blog and corporate website

the main difference between a company’s blog and corporate website is the content that is published on each of them.

Corporate website
when we consider creating a corporate website, we be numbers aim to show users or potential clients everything the company can offer: services, solutions, the team, etc.

In conclusion, what we want is to sell ourselves well to attract a greater number of clients, so the published content will be, to a large extent, of a commercial and corporate nature .

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