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Create information of interest from data

reports and studies on our sector.
Use topics that, although not directly related to our sector of activity, may also be of interest to our readers.
3) give the blog a title
now let’s focus on the blog title . The title should always indicate the theme that the blog follows, the problems (and solutions) that are presented in it, so that it is easy to identify and appears quickly and optimally in search engines.

Search for relevant keywords

From this moment on, we are ready to launch our philippines phone number library blog and work hard to position ourselves as experts in our market.understanding referer spam (google analytics)
nowadays, we are more than used to seeing spam traffic or referral traffic to our website, through our google analytics accounts.

That is to say, these false visits directly creating an online store attack google analytics by making a request to our ua, which poses a situation that is difficult to solve… Until google finds a solution .

If you don’t believe

what I’m telling you and want to check it for yourself, you can do a test:

1. First open your google analytics and go to the real time section of your account

2. Now, in another window – so that we don’t lose any detail – we will write the following url with the necessary data

3. You can now see how these false visits appear in your account, with the data we have passed on.

What do spammers gain from this referral traffic?

Most of these spam referral “attackers” usually use the spoofing technique , that is, they generate a random number of analytics ids and be numbers make a ping request to google analytics using the id of a specific website, thereby – as you have seen in the previous test – generating a visit without having actually made one.

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