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Best Practices: B2B Online Marketing in China

Two figures clearly illustrate the potential, but also the challenges, for German companies in China: With 720 million, the People’s Republic is the world’s number one internet user. Nevertheless, only around 60% of the Chinese population has internet access. While B2C companies such as Volkswagen have been operating successfully on the Chinese internet for many years, many B2B companies are still struggling.

It has long been known among B2B Best Practices companies active on the German market: If, for example, you want to attract the attention of suppliers, look for qualifie personnel or increase acceptance among the population for certain production processes, you cannot avoid building an effective online reputation.

While the majority of German companies appreciate the importance of western social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, they bc data china still have a hard time with Chinese networks. Many marketing managers only know WeChat, Weibo or YouKu by hearsay, if at all, even if their companies have been present on the Chinese market for years. But it is worth taking a closer look: some of the networks, especially WeChat, can boast some Best Practices interesting features, such as an innovative payment system.

The same goes for Baidu: While Google has a market share of over 95% in Germany, domestic search engines dominate in China, and Baidu in particular. Like Google, Baidu can be use not only to search for specific terms, but also to place how to install and optimize wordpress total theme advertisements (search and display network). Like Google, Baidu also offers monitoring software that helps with selecting the right keywords or identifying target pages for backlinks.

German B2B companies recognize the importance of China’s social networks

A growing number of German companies with branches in China are now beginning to recognize the demands place on them by the Chinese market and are responding accordingly: This begins with advertisements in Chinese search engines, SEO email leads database measures tailor to the Chinese market, entries in the knowledge platform Baidu Baike, or the registration of the company on Baidu Maps. More and more companies are also attaching importance to a good translation of their product and brand names into Chinese.

It is becoming increasingly clear that individual Best Practices marketing measures are not enough to survive in the Chinese market in the long term, but that a well-thought-out strategy is need to assert oneself against competitors and to work in a resource-saving manner.

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