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Corporate blog

on the contrary, the main function of a company’s corporate blog should be to inform users about a specific topic that concerns our readers.

That is why the writing style should not be self-promotional (although from time to time we may promote some activity or service that our company offers), but rather it should be informative, as if it were offering a learning experience.

The reason for this difference

between the two lies in a study carried out by forrester , which states that 96% of the traffic our website receives comes from people who are not ready to make a purchase, but are looking for information about the sector, products and even our company. In other words: they are in an early phase of the purchasing process .

The corporate blog also allows for the publication paraguay phone number library of lighter and less formal content , even with touches of irony and humor, which would not fit on the corporate website, which allows for greater engagement and more intense feedback with readers/users.

On the other hand, a quality and frequently updated blog is one of the factors most valued by google, which is why it is of great help in obtaining good organic positioning (seo) .

In inbound marketing projects

the corporate blog is the basic pillar: it is aimed at capturing quality traffic to transform it into registrations (or leads) and subsequently creating an online store working with them through marketing automation to obtain new clients.

Complete inbound marketing process
steps to follow to decide the theme of your be numbers corporate blog
once we are clear about the importance of a blog, we will begin to define what theme to choose.

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