Every Content Marketing strategy involves analyzing and implementing the characteristics of a successful blog, taking into account positioning and authority.
In the specific case of a corporate blog, it must have specific characteristics and patterns to obtain leads and, consequently, greater business opportunities.
Precisely, in the following lines we will explain what they are.
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1. Valuable content
You’ve probably read ebooks and blog posts turkey telegram data and, at some point, got bored or confused and abandoned them.
Sometimes this is because they don’t have the right structure or lack headings and subheadings. So make sure their layout is coherent so the reader doesn’t feel lost as they move forward.
Another aspect is when the tastes and interests of the buyer persona are ignored and the content is not relevant.
It is essential that you clearly identify who your ideal audience is and that you write content according to their profile.
2. Mobile optimization
One of the main points of creating a design ensures your website looks great on any device blog and the characteristics of a corporate blog is that it is responsive.
Nowadays, many people prefer to access their favorite websites from phones or tablets. The adaptability of a design to different screens and formats is the backbone of a blog.
Its advantages are many, among the main ones are:
- good user experience ,
- cost reduction,
- the low user bounce rate,
- a higher number of conversions
- and efficiency in the Digital Marketing strategy .
3. Social sharing buttons
One of the characteristics of a blog with great mobile list visibility is the incorporation of buttons that allow users to share the material on their social networks .
Normally, when you start a blog, visitors come through these channels, so, in addition to ensuring that they are relevant and of quality, you should have buttons that are easy for users to find so that they can send this content to their friends.
It is also advisable to have a connection between the corporate blog and the company’s profiles on these platforms.
4. CTA’s or Call to Action
CTAs (Call To Action) are designed to encourage users to take actions that benefit both the blog and the reader .
Through these, you can provide more valuable content, interesting information or offer to download an ebook and, in this way, convert readers into leads and, later, into customers.
5. Landing Page
These pages outside of your blog have the specific goal of driving higher conversions, so it’s a feature you need to include.
All the content on the landing page is directed towards one thing: the material offered by the company. Therefore, they are simple and without distractions.
In them you can find forms, download links, among others, with the purpose of generating leads.
6. Visual content
It is no secret that visual elements help digest content. The brain remembers images, not text.
Add elements such as images, infographics , videos and animations to illustrate what is being discussed so that your audience better understands the message you want to convey.
7. Institutional pages
Among the characteristics of a corporate blog, it is imperative that there are links to the company’s institutional web pages.
Even more so if the company offers several products or services and wants to target a specific segment of the public. You know! It is important to inform the reader that they can obtain more information on these sites.
8. Coherent network of internal links
When we talk about SEO strategies for the website, internal links are a very good practice.
However, there must be a coherent and natural link between the different articles found on the blog, always thinking about facilitating the reader’s navigation to effectively lead them to content that is more relevant to them.
In our SEO guide you can find more information about the importance of internal links in corporate blogs. Download it for free!
SEO Ebook
Complete guide to reach the first position on Google!
9. RSS Feed
RSS feeds are files generated by websites and blogs to distribute their content within an RSS feed reader where the articles are centralized for users.
Having this tool has many advantages: it displays your materials in an orderly manner, it avoids unconscious navigation and distractions such as advertising and banners. In general, it will encourage regular reading of your content.
10. Author pages
One way to get traffic, increase domain authority, and reach new audiences is to allow authors outside the company (but experts) to write about topics of interest to the audience.
It is important that you choose those who have the appropriate expertise to develop topics related to your company and market.
11. Search bar
Something that cannot be missing as a feature of a corporate blog is an internal search engine that allows the user to find the article they need.
This encourages the reader to establish a comfortable and pleasant interaction within the blog and have a better experience.