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. Don’t be distracted by technology

You should move for a few minutes every hour. Regular exercise is said to improve mood and cognitive function, and even increase levels of the brain protein BDNF, which encourages brain cell growth.

The activity itself that we should focus on:

we focus best on activities that do not burden us, but challenge us. If an activity stresses you out, try to divide it up. I think it is important to realize that an activity bores me or, on the contrary, stresses me out, and then work with moj database attention accordingly. We work better if we know “why it is important”.

eal with messages all at once, not when they arrive, determine in advance when you will deal with messages and emails
Choose what information you consume – what do you really need to be informed about? Do you need to know every last detail of what is happening in politics? Or can you skip some news? Alternatively, consume news/information from higher-quality sources (slow media)

Set a time when you accept calls.

Delete social media from your phone or get a dumber phone, or get a tablet or a second phone where you can keep all the distracting apps.

install an application on your scheduling tweets computer that blocks access to websites that distract you
10. Don’t let yourself get distracted: sometimes you can be distracted by your own internal emotional factors. Immediately write down what is not done. Whenever you notice that you have deviated somewhere again, return your attention to the perception of your body and breath.

Don’t let meetings distract you:

don’t go to meetings without an agenda, check the list of participants, think about whether all your recurring meetings make sense. When you go to a meeting, focus fully on it.

12. Workplace: your work b2C phone list environment should be tidy, flowers are said to have a calming effect. Temperature also affects productivity (21-22 degrees is said to be ideal).

13. If you are stressed, listen to classical music (e.g. Bach – Aria to the Goldberg Variations, Vivaldi – Largo from Winter). It should help create alpha waves in the brain that promote concentration. 1 minute of laughter can also help.

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