Female talent in STEM careers essential to advance sustainability

Margarita Salas, María Blasco, Montserrat Calleja, Female talent in Rosa Menéndez, Alicia Calderón, Gabriela Morreale, are the names of just some of the many Spanish women who are revolutionizing science today both inside and outside our borders. Perhaps, it is increasingly common to know the notoriety of women in sectors relate to science. However, at least in Spain. Only of professionals in the STEM area (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) are women. In fact, the latest figures reveal in this regard show that only of adolescent women are interest in studying a degree in these disciplines, compar to 7% of men.

This is reflected in the latest report published to advance sustainability

This difference highlights and calls into question whether or not we are being able to attract. The talent of our girls to the carts in the areas of to advance sustainability science, technology and engineering. Female talent in the concern in this case is not that women choose not to continue with their studies since. The presence of the female C Level Executive List gender in universities exceeds . It would also not apply that the man is from science and the woman from literature. The data reflect that women enroll in this type of career, have a lower dropout rate and also have a better average performance. These figures are a mere reflection of the gap. That exists in women’s access to STEM careers and, consequently. The long road that remains to be done to comply with the 2030 Agenda, which includes as an objective to achieve the neeD for achieve gender equality and empower women and girls.

Closing this gap benefits everyone

STEM careers have very high employment prospects. It is estimate that in Spain there are 10,000 jobs in the field of technology that cannot currently be fill. Female talent in due to the shortage of qualifi profiles. According to data from the ANHUI Mobile Phone Number List report carri out in 2022 by DigitalES. The challenge of STEM vocations. Different administrations – state. European and international – invest efforts in attracting women to these careers. EDP’s commitment in this area is strong. Proof of this is that, recently, both EDP and EDP Renewables have been recogniz. Once again, for their good practices in terms of inclusion and equal professional opportunities between men and women, by have been includ in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index 2023. In which 600 companies worldwide participate. In this context, EDP’s 2022-2023 Gender Equality plan aims to increase the number of women in the company, with a global objective of 30% by 2025

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