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Four Types of Leaders Who Change Business

Meet the managers who generate the highest profits.


The study , conducted by the international company Deloitte, distinguishes four types of leaders who are able to quickly monetize innovative ideas and current trends. Each of them has a different approach to management, but all of them consistently achieve the main goal – ensuring high profits for their company. You can read about what distinguishes such managers and what unites them – in our article.

#1. Social Impact Leaders

They are able to recognize important problems in society and offer goods or services that can solve them. Or accustom consumers to a new model of behavior – eating healthily, doing sports, taking care of the environment. The strategy of such managers is “make money by doing good . ”

A perfect example are Adidas’ top managers – including Martin Shankland and Erika Benz . Under their influence list of changsha cell phone numbers in 2015 the brand changed its approach to business and began producing sneakers from recycled plastic, fished out of the ocean. Soon, ecological footwear became a global trend and Adidas’ revenues went up.

Adidas revenue curve 2000-2019, source – Statista

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In 2017, Adidas sold one million pairs of eco-sneakers, in 2018 – 5 million, and by 2024 the company intends to completely eliminate polyester and produce shoes only from recycled materials. In addition to sneakers, Adidas also sold sportswear made from recycled plastic, the brand gave up plastic bags and designed a line of gender-neutral clothing.

Other companies are also trying to keep up. George Barrett , John Lewis’s business development manager, has been one of the initiators of a project to recycle unused items. John Lewis customers who want to get rid of unwanted clothes can sell them to John Lewis and the company will arrange for them to be recycled or repaired for resale. In this way, John Lewis hopes to reduce the amount of waste generated by the fashion industry worldwide.

For the same reason, IKEA has abandoned plastic straws and bags, and Starbucks has invested $10 million in designing biodegradable coffee cups.

#2. Data Usage Advocates

They base their business strategy on Big Data technologies , use them to analyze and increase sales, improve services or create new sources of income. Unlike managers who prefer traditional management methods how to check website traffic Big Data advocates provide their companies with greater profits.

One of these leaders is Justin De Graaf. In 2016, he managed the marketing of Gold Peak cold tea (a sub-brand of Coca-Cola). Using special algorithms, De Graaf and his team analyzed hundreds of photos of drinks published on social media. This allowed them to identify people who were potentially interested in Gold Peak tea – who later found themselves in the target group of the brand’s ads. After such analysis, the number of clicks increased four times compared to other advertising campaigns of the Gold Peak brand.

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#3. Promoters of Breakthrough Change

They invest in the complete transformation of phone database the markets in which they operate. Such managers are not afraid to experiment and introduce new technologies, creating completely new customer experiences and original business models .

The best examples of such leaders are Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos. Thanks to Jobs, the world saw many new technologies – the first smartphone or, for example, computer animation.

Jeff Bezos, in turn, was the first to create an effective online sales model and popularize e-commerce, helping many companies offer their goods through Amazon. Later, this approach was adopted by other companies – such as AliExpress, OLX, and Allegro.

Now Amazon is preparing to implement drone order delivery and has already opened several stores without traditional cash registers and salespeople – the first company in the world.

Bidyut Dumra , CEO of DBS Bank, is not as well-known as Jobs and Bezos, but he is also successful. Together with his team, he managed to create an effective remote customer service service – almost all financial services are available online, and chatbots serve over 80% of users. Thanks to this, DBS Bank is among the best digital banks in the world according to Euromoney.

#4. Talent Ambassadors

Their main investment is the team. They know what skills the market requires now and they try to develop them in their employees. They put a lot of emphasis on corporate culture, working conditions and make sure that the professional experience of their employees is helpful in developing their careers.

One of the most outstanding representatives of this type of leader is Diane Gherson , former HR Director at IBM. In 2015, she began modernizing working conditions in the corporation.


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