Google analytics administrator view
2) now, we will create a new custom dimension. To do this, under property, we select the custom definitions option, and choose custom parameters (custom dimensions). At this point we must point out several indicators:
whatever name we
want for this new custom dimension (whatever we want, for example: “no-pass”).
Scope : the scope of this new dimension, I.e. What data this dimension will apply to.
Hit – applies to the single hit for which it is set.
Session : applies to all hits in a session.
User – applies to all hits for a user (until the value changes or the dimension is disabled).
Product – applies to the configured product (only applicable with enhanced ecommerce option).
Active : we mark this option to save this new parameter by activating it
custom parameters
once the new dimension is created, we will see the code to insert into the google analytics javascript code .
3) now, we will have to modify the javascript code of our website, adding the call to the ga function , to which we will pass the value that we will portugal phone number library assign to the created dimension. If it is our first dimension, this assignment will be made to the dimension1 variable (otherwise it will be dimensionx – where x is an incremental numeric value). The value to be assigned to the dimension will be whatever we want, in this case “nopasaras”.
Call to the ga function
(here is a shortcut to the image code)
4) now it is time to create a filter on the new google analytics view, indicating:
filter name: the name we want for this be numbers new filter.
Filter type: we will select custom, and include. In the filter field we will search for the name we have given to our custom dimension, and in filter pattern we will indicate the value we have assigned to the dimension (in the javascript code), checking case creating an online store sensitivity, to make the filter a little “stronger”.
Filter on google analytics view
with these steps we will be filtering only the visits that come to us through the web (and that will come with the value indicated in the created dimension), although this does not mean that it is impossible for them to inject visits to us again, especially if it is something “personal”.
The above is valid for universal analytics, but it could also be done with classical analytics (with the difference that instead of custom dimensions we will have custom variables ).