Home » News » PPC BARBECUE 2023 IS HERE!


After about a hundred years, we invite you to the PPC barbecue! You can look forward to great lectures, grilled delicacies and, of course, nutritious discussions with people from the industry.

Come and get smart and socialize with other PPC enthusiasts. We can chat, feast and drink until late into the night, so everyone should take Friday off!

What speakers can you look forward to?

Admission will be voluntary. We viber database will buy meat and vegetable delicacies for the grill, we leave the drinks to you.

But we will arrange a well-stocked bar, so bring your party spirit! The event has a limited capacity of 60 people, so don’t hesitate to register now!

And where did the PPC barbecue actually come from?

Reminisce with us! We last organized this great gathering in the summer of 2018, when we had just discovered the premises how modeling technology improves analytics and prioritizes privacy of the Hodňa kendek café. That time, Standa Jílek, Daniel Zrůst and Peťa Bureš came to teach us about Automation.

And the previous PPC barbecues took place back in my good old days at Webnode, the very first one took place in 2014! Check out the article from the last PPC barbecue !

What can you find out?

That you are missing some b2C phone list information on your page, that your website is untrustworthy, or that people think your products are expensive.

The account has few conversions because it has a low budget : if you are able to show the company that you have results, I would suggest discussing this with the company. If not, focus on the previous poin

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