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Product review without impressions

What to do: Check the relevance of the queries and at the same time it is good to look at the queries from the perspective – does it make sense that we are showing up so much for these queries?
How to do it: In the interface or in the dashboard.

Checking queries in search vs. shopping

What to do: Compare queries in search and shopping. If you are covering a lot more queries in search, it is a signal that you should optimize vk database your feed. If you are not covering search very well, compare queries with keyword analysis.

How to do it: Download the queries to a spreadsheet and compare them in a pivot table. Or in a dashboard.
Segment control

How often? Quarterly

What to do: Look at CPA/PNO at the device, location, audience, search partner level
How to do it: You can have it it is not a bad thing in your dashboard or you can quickly check some segments through custom columns

Check the share of spend in search vs shopping

How often? Quarterly/semi-annually

What to do: The share of spending b2C phone list in shopping should be around 60%. If search has a significantly higher share, it is likely that the feed needs to be optimized for better coverage.

How to do it: A quick check in the interface.

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