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Image file size is one of the leading causes of slow page speed

9 ways to improve your website content and user experience (UX)
1. Improve page speed
Visitors will bounce if a website page doesn’t load within a second or two. A slow page load frustrates users, and most don’t take the time slow page speed to wait. To improve UX, boost the speed of your site and ensure pages load promptly.

 You can improve your page speed by compressing all your images before loading them onto your website.

Read More: 5 Effective Ways to Optimize Your Page Load Speed

Prioritize mobile-friendliness

Your website must be mobile-friendly usa phone number data and easy to navigate – no matter what type of device visitors use to access it. Google penalizes sites that aren’t optimized slow page speed for mobile devices, so mobile-friendliness is the most valuable way to improve your website’s usability. So, verify that your site functions as well (if not better) on mobile as it does on desktop.

Read More: 7 Proven Tips to Reduce Your Bounce Rate

Use white space and a simple layout

White space is essential to good content map: what is it, advantages and how to create one for your company? design – it allows the user to focus on the elements surrounding the text, and it makes your content more legible. Clutter overwhelms people, decreases UX, and drives away your audience. Webpages with a clean and simple layout (and abundant white space) help keep your visitor’s attention.

Maintain consistent design across all pages

Make sure your design is coherent on colombia business directory every page of your website. Everything should be consistent – font choices, heading sizes, colors, spacing, design elements, photo choices, illustration and button styles, etc.

Drastic design changes from one page to another can make your user feel lost and confused. Inconsistencies in design reduce the quality of the products and services you provide, resulting in users losing trust in and leaving your site.

Use clear calls to action

Calls to action (CTAs) are the keys to conversion. A compelling CTA phrase can tap into your audience’s emotions, create a sense of urgency, and convey the value they’ll get by clicking. 

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