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Using email marketing strategies to generate traffic

The more you know about them, the greater the possibility of delivering exactly what they need or want to consume, regardless of whether what you have is a product or a service.

Research the best keywords

The content of your website, blog, social strategies to generate traffic networks, etc. needs to be based on a good keyword strategy . You need to afghanistan phone number data choose those that are most relevant and have good levels of traffic volume.

There are free and paid tools that can help you make this choice. Some of the most popular are Google Keyword Planner and Semrush, the latter of which offers a more detailed analysis, even on the free plan.

Social Ads

At least for now, the ads you run on social media strategies to generate traffic tend to be cheaper when compared to other models, such as those contact with linkedin displayed on major search engines. Of course, this is not a rule, and it is certainly not the only alternative with effective results. But it is something to consider, especially if you want a simple and practical method to generate traffic .


Content marketing is essential for generating traffic on the internet. However, we often focus too much on creating relevant content for other strategies to generate traffic channels, such as blogs and social networks, and we leave good old email aside.

To your website or blog is always a good option. In addition to the basic principles of good email content, you should be careful not to fill people’s inboxes with every little step in your business.

Mix and test

As you may have noticed, just as there are different types of internet traffic, there are also different ways to get it. But which one is the best? There strategies to generate traffic is no absolute answer to this question.

Therefore, vary your content, whether in size or format. Test videos, texts and images or even create pieces to generate impact, such as infographics. The reason for this is to identify which formats your audience deals with best and, therefore, focus on them to obtain better results.

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