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The 5 stages of paid traffic for those in a hurry to see results

Therefore, one of the most assertive alternatives is paid traffic. 

But do you know what it is? And what’s more: what are its stages? Today, you’ll understand that real results don’t happen overnight.

To begin with, you need to know: what is Paid Traffic?

Have you ever stopped to think about what the work of a person who provides paid traffic is like?

Also known as email list paid media or paid advertising, paid traffic can be scary at the beginning of its implementation, but once the balance between investment and return is found, it brings smiles to companies.

email list

When it comes to the internet and the famous digital marketing , traffic is the audience that is attracted to a website through advertisements placed on social networks, search engines, among others.

To put it more directly: it’s when you put your hand in your pocket so that, through the tools, visitors reach your page.

Tools such as: Google Ads, YouTube Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads and Linkedin Ads are the main options for your business.

So, did you understand?

So, now we’re going to talk a little about the stages of paid traffic, shall we?

What are the 5 stages of paid traffic? 

a new trend in the consumption of video content: long stories or video essays .As we have already seen, the professional who works hard with traffic aims to attract more opportunities and customers to certain companies, through strategies and techniques to acquire more leads.

Contrary to what it may seem, all this development takes time. Your company will not achieve incredible results overnight. Tests, studies, research and many meetings are necessary, of course! 

Come discover the 5 stages until reaching the final goal.

Stage 1: The Discovery

This is the “start”! Where ads are created with a potential customer in mind. This is the first contact with the persona . Here, the professional seeks to attract people to engage, interact and get to know their company.

Stage 2: The Relationship

In the second step, agent email list ads are developed for people from the previous step. The intention is to build a relationship with the persona and continue building the audience’s attention.

Stage 3: The Conversion

Are we going to sell? At this stage, we will announce, in a more direct way, sales content to the audience that is already involved and is in the relationship stage. 

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