If the robot or the user read the cookie created by the. Website, they could easily know the id of the google. Analytics property, since it. Creates a cookie called (which makes it impossible for it to be a 100% valid solution to avoid personalized attacks).
Google tag manager
to start, you need to create a data layer variable in google tag manager , which will have the same name as the one you gave to the google analytics qatar phone number library custom dimension. You can give this variable a default value.
Google analytics custom dimension
the next step will be to create a tag, selecting google creating an online store analytics, universal analytics or classic analytics (depending on the case).
Below we indicate:
tracking type: “page view”
custom dimensions: we will indicate the index of the dimension that we have created in analytics, and in the “dimension value”, select the name be numbers that we
Have given to. The variable created previously.
“all pages” must be. Selected as the trigger.
Google analytics dimension value.
At this point, all that remains is to. Create a “trigger” indicating “page view ” and that it is. Activated on “all page views” . Once we have made the changes. We must publish them. So that they take effect.