I specialized in Marketing for the wine sector in 2016, and sinceI have had the. opportunity. To work with many wineries, helping them. Improve their positioning in the market and sell. Their wines with higher margins. As you can imagine, each winery is There can be a lot of in production from one to another. Some have only one brand while others market several .Tips to improve the. Marketing of your winery ranges of wine with dbrands, some export most of their . Wines and others sell only nationally, some work very well in wine , and although. For each one it is necessary to design a marketing .Plan adapted to their needs, the truth is that there are some. Aspects that all wineries should work. On to improve their positioning and sales.
Don't underestimate the value of a wine brand
So in today’s video, I’m going to share with you my top 5 tips to improve winery marketing: Tip 1: Don’t underestimate the value of a wine brand I come across wineries that use a different brand for each of their wines winery has a different name than the wines. If all these brands. Were known, we would be looking at Country Email List a winery with a large marketing budge. And Tips to wine ranges focused on types of , which. Would be great. However, if none of these brands. Are known and the winery has a marketing budget, we have a problem. Because we will not be able to publicize so many brands and also get all of them to associate with a winery (a brand further).
Identify the characteristics that make your winery unique
Therefore, review and define well your brand structure and your range of wines and try to simplify to have as few brands as possible depending on the budget you are going to invest in making each brand known and the type of customer you serve. lead with each of them. Tip 2: Identify the characteristics that make your winery unique Standing out and differentiating your wines from the Tips to improve the marketing of your winery rest of the enormous offer found on the market should always be one of the objectives Anhui Mobile Phone Number List to pursue in everything you do in the winery. So, when you have already the points on which you are going to the content, the images, your social networks, your wine labels… everything must be perfectly.