Some time ago, I started reading various books on concentration. I wrote down my findings in this long reading.
People who are more focused are happier and have an easier time dealing with crises. The more distracted we are, the shallower our thinking becomes and the less empathetic
we are. Attention is key to willpower. Moreover, the consequences of constant interruptions are profound: lower performance, less efficiency, more frequent mistakes
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This time I’ll take a completely band database different approach. I recently received an email from Google inviting me to a series of meditations for marketers . That finally got me thinking about writing something about concentration.
I started to get interested in it a few years ago when I read that parents were sending their children to school later so that they could take the high school entrance exams a year older and with a greater capacity to concentrate.
Why should you want to focus more?
For the first time, I connected more concentrated = smarter. Since then, I’ve read a lot of books on the subject. What’s interesting is that how to combine finance and marketing to maximize demand each book recommends something different. So maybe you’ll find this summary useful.
Why should you want to focus more? People who are more focused are happier (they don’t suffer from mind wandering as much). Attention connects us to the world, shapes and determines our experience.
Attention is part of many mental operations (understanding, memory, learning, perceiving our own feelings, reading the emotions of others and also interaction).
People with the best ability
To focus are relatively immune to emotional shocks and can handle crisis situations more easily. With distraction, our ability to show empathy and caring decreases.
The more distracted we are, the shallower our thoughts are. Conversely, the more able we are to perceive our own feelings, the better our intuition is.
Attention is key to self-management and willpower has a unique influence on our life direction. (summary from the book: Attention, Daniel Goleman).
Moreover, the consequences of b2C phone list constant interruptions are fundamental: lower performance, poorer efficiency, more frequent mistakes, failure to achieve daily goals. Multitasking leads to stress and nervousness, and if we are exposed to it continuously, it causes damage to our health.