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Using Numeric Data

Numbers in the text of ads attract attention Using Numeric Data and inspire more trust than empty statements. Therefore, if your courses have quantitative indicators of effectiveness, be sure to use them in advertising.

For example, write “More than 500 graduates oman email list  are already working in IT companies” or “The average growth of our students’ income is 35%”. Such figures make the advertisement relevant and show the real value of education. Just do not overdo it with the figures, 1-2 per ad will be enough.

4. Analysis of campaign effectiveness

Selecting Key Metrics

To evaluate how effectively online course advertising works in Yandex, you need to track the right metrics. First of all, these are conversions – the number of clicks on the site and completed applications for training.

In addition to conversions, it is worth paying how can training and reskilling help the business process?  attention to the audience engagement indicator: average time spent on the site, number of pages viewed, bounce rate. The longer users stay on the resource and the more actively they study it, the better for you.

Adjustments based on the results of the analysis

Regular monitoring of advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct allows you to quickly identify weak points and make the necessary adjustments. Let’s say you see that ads for a certain group of keywords show low conversion. In this case, it is worth:

  • Refine the key list – it may contain non-targeted queries
  • Review your ad texts to make them more relevant and selling
  • Adjust the landing page – improve it in terms of UX and content

Another example is the CTR of ads is lower than expected. Here, updating headlines and texts, adding bright calls to action, emoji and special symbols to attract attention will help. A creative approach to advertising is always welcome!

5. Tips for maximum effect

Testing multiple ad formats

Yandex.Direct has a variety of advertising formats – text and graphic, banner, video, etc. Try running several types of ads and track which ones work best for your audience.

Also, don’t forget about A/B testing – launch several variations of advertising within one campaign and analyze the results. This will help you determine the most effective creative that gives the maximum conversions and keeps the audience loyal.

Seasonal promotion

Early fall and January are good times to launch colombia business directory  online course ads because this is when people are most likely to invest in learning and self-development. So your advertising budget should be prepared for seasonal spikes.

Advice: find a “low season” for your niche (for example, summer for business topics) and pump up your advertising during this period to the fullest. This way you will reach your audience at a minimum price and get a flow of new applications by the start of the season.


Setting up online course advertising in Yandex is a creative process, but at the same time it requires a clear structure and analytics. Competent audience analysis, linking ads with selling texts and regular campaign optimization will help to squeeze the maximum out of advertising and ensure a constant influx of students.

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